January 1, 2025
January Moon Cycles
- January 13, 2025 Full Moon at 24° 00′ Cancer at 5:27 p.m. EST
- January 29, 2025 New Moon 9° 51′ Aquarius at 7:36 a.m. EST
5:27 p.m. EST- January 13, 2025 Full Moon 24° 00′ Cancer
Generally the Full Moon in Cancer favors home, family and intuition. However it is close to Mars which intensifies emotions. During Wolf Moon , people may be more impulsive and apt to speak their mind regarding things that have been building inside. Over the next two weeks, pay more attention to relationships. Try to have a better personal and work life balance.
With the Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, everyone is ready to get back to work. The Moon makes a good aspect to Uranus, which favors new ideas, technology and organization skills. Fortunately, this Moon is also in harmony with Neptune. Practice random acts of kindness!
On the national scene, the Republicans and Democrats continue to be divided on immigration, and the Federal budget. This is due to the Jupiter (new ideas) square Saturn (old commitments.} President-elect Trump will try to fulfill the promises he made in December 2024—but not without challenges and delays.
7:36 AM EST- January 29, 2025, New Moon 9° 51′ Aquarius
New Moon Chart: January 29, 2025, in Aquarius
Time to start that project you have been putting off. The New Moon in Aquarius also encourages socializing. This Moon makes a trine to lucky Jupiter which brings out the best in people and favors travel. Reach out to friends, attend a sporting event or enjoy a trip—preferably somewhere warm.
At the same time, Venus conjunct Neptune 27º59′ Pisces on February 1st 2025 brings hope. The planet of love joining the planet of compassion in the humanitarian sign of Pisces will help in peace efforts in Ukraine. Watch for the cease-fire promised by President Trump.
Sun in Aquarius — January 22-February 19
Aquarians thrive on change. Their humanitarian spirit attracts friends from all walks of life and many friends of both sexes. Drawn to the unusual, they may explore the occult and astrology. Aquarius is one air sign who needs its freedom. They are drawn to group associations and can be idealistic. Since they are a fixed sign, they may show a stubborn streak. However, they make loyal and tolerant friends. They also make excellent teachers, counselors and astrologers. Evangeline Adams who set the precedent to legalize astrology was born under the sign of Aquarius. When they feel they are right, Aquarians are not known to back down!
FAMOUS AQUARIAN LADIES: Cybil Shepherd, Eartha Kitt, Molly Ringwald, Mia Farrow, Christie Brinkley, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Banks, Emily Blunt, Evangeline Adams, Betty Friedan, Maya Harris, and Amy Coney Barrett.
NOTED AQUARIAN MALES: Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Charles Dickens, James Dean, Kurt Cobain, James Hoffa, Clark Gable, Paul Newman, Burt Reynolds, Michael Jordan, and Eddie Van Halen.
Aquarius of the Month: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
During the America’s darkness days, Franklin Delano Roosevelt reminded the nation that “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” No wonder, he was elected to office four times, making him the longest running President in the history of the United States. FDR guided the nation through the Great Depression and World War and is credited with the New Deal and social security programs. While the Democratic President never mentioned an interest in astrology, his third-term Vice President, Henry Wallace was known to be a “stargazer of many cults,” according to the Washington Post.
The thirty-second President of the United States was born January 30, 1882 at 8:45 p.m. in Hyde Park, NY. Both his parents, businessman James Roosevelt and mother Sara Ann Delano came from wealthy New York families. Franklin was born with his Sun in independent sign of Aquarius and his Moon in the home-loving sign of Cancer. Since the United States is a Cancer country with its Moon in Aquarius, Roosevelt understood well the need for national security while maintaining democratic principles. More important, with is Sun in Aquarius, he was not afraid of change and was willing to seek good counsel.
His Sun close to the planet Venus made for a life of ease. Growing up, FDR had a happy but sheltered childhood, which included with trips to Europe and private tutors. His loving but dominating mother tried in vain to stop her son’s marriage to his cousin Eleanor Roosevelt. However, Franklin was not a man who liked to be alone. He and Eleanor had six children. While the marriage lasted, the couple preferred to live separate lives.
Regardless of his circumstances, FDR managed to maintain a cheerful countenance. Perhaps this is because of the Mercury, planet of communication, was in the sign of Aquarius in good aspect to Mars in Gemini. The combination gave him exception mental ability and powers of persuasion. This served Roosevelt well when he was forced to focus on his health due to a bout with polio at age of 39. However, he courageously continued his political career. With Uranus on his Virgo ascendant, Franklin Roosevelt was a strong force for justice—even in a wheelchair!